Our team

HOPA is a family
run initiative

meet the team

Here is our leadership team

Andrew Ogutu
"In the education journey, no child should be left behind"
Evans Ogutu
"It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always"
Bevian Harun
"The beautiful thing about learning no one can snatch it away from you"
Hellen Agwanda
"A child's dream is worth fighting for "
Hulda Awuor
"A community’s education is the cornerstone of its prosperity"
Kevin Okoth
“Education gives you power to control your destiny”
Sylvester Ochieng
"The mind is an open book, seek to invest in knowledge for it has the best interest."
Lydia Milenja
"Always progressing"
Lorna Obia
"Education is the most powerful tool to eradicate poverty, one community at a time"
Linda Ogutu
"If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it "
Elizabeth Achieng
"It's the little things we do that make a big difference "