what we do

We believe in
the power of education
to transform lives

Sponsor needy & vulnerable
children to school

The HOPA Foundation is dedicated to providing educational opportunities for orphaned and vulnerable children. They believe in the power of education to transform lives and provide a brighter future for these children.

School Support Initiatives

We help to support local schools through various initiatives that further enhance provision of an ideal learning and all-round school environment including hiring of teachers, provision of teaching aids, renovation of the sports field, installation of playground and sponsoring of the annual prize giving day.


Children education & School Support Programmes


Empowering young people through Sports​

HOPA foundation supports youth programs through sports, recognizing the positive impact sports can have on the physical and mental well-being of young individuals.

We are the proud sponsor of Nyaduong Football Club. Which has a junior team and senior team and has been consistently playing in several football tournaments in the country.

Working together, we invest in the lives of children and youth, build the healthy environments they need to thrive, and empower them to create lasting change in their own lives and communities.

Our farm not only cultivates fresh produce to sustain a local school’s nutritional needs but also serves as a vital source of employment for our dedicated staff. Beyond agriculture, we offer a rejuvenating getaway, providing individuals with an opportunity to connect with nature and recharge.


Our HOPA FARM: Building healthy environments

We help to foster
a healthy environment

Our efforts extend to enhancing school infrastructure, from building essential amenities like toilets and playgrounds to constructing a vibrant stadium, ensuring a conducive environment for both learning and play. Join us as we continue to enrich lives and uplift communities through our multifaceted initiatives.